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  1. Pacific Ocean - Wikipedia

    Web1 day ago · The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's five oceanic divisions.It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south, …

  2. Pacific Northwest - Wikipedia

    Web2 days ago · The Pacific Northwest from outer space.. The Pacific Northwest (PNW), sometimes referred to as Cascadia, is a geographic region in western North America bounded by its coastal waters of the Pacific …

  3. Pacific Ocean | Depth, Temperature, Animals, Location, Map, & Facts

  4. Ekspert om Grønlands selvstændighed: Model for en ø i Stillehavet …

  5. Karin jobber på toget. I fritiden tar hun gjerne lengre turer

  6. Ukeslutt - TrønderRød

  7. Skal forske på marine hetebølger langs norskekysten

  8. Rekordstor orkansesong i vente: – Det er grunn til å være bekymret

  9. Seks landsbyer rammet av jordskred i Papua Ny-Guinea ... - VG

  10. Seks landsbyer rammet av jordskred i Papua Ny-Guinea: